The History of ASTER

Search for ASTER Data on AVA
AVA Overview

The ASTER Volcano Archive (AVA) is the world's largest specialty archive of volcano data. For 1,430 recently active volcanoes listed by the Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program, the AVA has collected the entirety of high-resolution multispectral ASTER data and made it available to the public. Also included are digital elevation maps, NOAA ash advisories, alteration zone imagery, and thermal anomaly reports. LANDSAT7 data are also being processed. Feel free to browse the archive!

The ASTER Volcano Archive (AVA) is the world's largest specialty archive of volcano data. For 1,430 recently active volcanoes listed by the Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program, the AVA has collected the entirety of high-resolution multispectral ASTER data (AST_09T and AST_L1B) and made it available to the public. By clicking on "MORE SEARCH" at the bottom, you will be able to view the volcanoes in AVA in the top table named "Volcanoes". Once you have found the desired volcano, click either the "AST_09T" button or "AST_L1B" button on the very right of the table for a specific dataset you wish to see for that volcano. The selected dataset type will be listed on the table below named "Datasets". From there, you will be able to download the HDF file by clicking the "DOWNLOAD" button on the very right of the selected granule. Enjoy!

Baseline products will be used in specific case studies related to SO2 emissions at Mt. Etna and Kilauea, thermal emissions at Kilauea, Mt. Etna, and North Pacific Rim Volcanoes for validation of low resolution temporally frequent data, prototype evaluation of proximal (boundary layer) volcanic ash aviation hazards at Anchorage, AK and Catania/Signonella USNAS (Sicily), Italy, and lava flow hazards in Hawaii and Italy.
USGS Volcano Hazards Program Links
- VHP - Volcano Hazards Program
- AVO - Alaska Volcano Observatory
- CVO - Cascades Volcano Observatory Office Information
- HVO - Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
- LVO - Long Valley Observatory
- YVO - Yellowstone Volcano Observatory
- Japan Links
- Current Eruptions in Japan -- Link courtesy Volcano Research Center (VRC), Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), University of Tokyo
- Volcano Links -- Link courtesy Volcano Research Center (VRC), Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), University of Tokyo
- Volcanological Society of Japan
- Geological Survey of Japan
- Smithsonian Institution Links
- Volcano Related Links
- Volcano World - Northern Asia and Japan
- WOVO - World Organization of Volcano Observatories -- Observatory Information
Non-USA/Non-Japanese Volcano Observatories and Data Centers
- French Volcano Observatories
- Volcanological Survey of Indonesia
- Michigan Technological University Volcano Home Page
- Volcanic ash and aviation safety
- Global Volcanism Program (Smithsonian Institution)
- Nordisk Vulkanologisk Institut/ The Nordic Volcanological Institute (NVI)
- Southern Andes Volcano Observatory (OVDAS)
- Villarrica Volcano Surveillance Project
- Institute of Volcanology and Seismology Russian Far East Academy of Sciences)